LITTLE TSUNAMIS is an award winning documentary by Toby Clarkson.
A poetic essay documentary about listening that starts out following 3 sound artists (Chris Watson, Daniel Wilson and Jo Thomas) but takes a surprising turn when the director meets the deaf writer Louise Stern on a bus. Little Tsunamis interweaves a number of individual narrative threads, all held gently together by the story of the directors journey to edit the film. Along the way we pass through a range of curious locations, culminating in an expanded horizon of listening beyond hearing.
LITTLE TSUNAMIS reviewed in The Wire:
"This is a film that plays with expectations and reinvents itself as it goes... It's a winning multiplicity.... by the end of the film we can feel the little tsunami's of the films title - rumblings of sound or non-verbal communication - rippling through us. Shaking us."
Phil England, The Wire
Professor Tony Wright @ UCL Ear Institute

Chris Watson @ Coquet Head

Dan Wilson @ Bishops Stortford

Jo Thomas @ Diamond Light Source Synchrotron

Louise Stern & Oliver Pouliot @ BRE Anechoic Chamber

Pedro @ Seven Sisters Road